Strength + Mobility Series Upper Body


February 2021
Bundles (44 videos)
Strength + Mobility Series Upper Body

Strength + Mobility Series Upper Body

Rudie Jay

Upper Body Circuit Intention

This circuit style workout is designed to help you mobilize, strengthen, and stabilize the upper body. We begin by warming up the shoulder joint, stabilizing through full range movements and then loading the joint through functional strength. There are also cardiovascular components to each round intended to increase heart rate, and act as active recovery between sets! 

The intention is to create a well rounded upper body practice incorporating mobility, stability and strength together! This circuit is best done in its entirety meaning you will cycle through each of the five rounds in order. I provide a general rep range for you to work within, and guide you through a tempo that works best for you! I provide modifications for you to progress the movements (make them more challenging) and regress the movements (making them less challenging.)

The idea is not to completely exhaust you, though you will definitely be challenged. The goal is for you to move with intention, precision, awareness and control so that you can decrease the risk of injury and move well in ANY movement discipline. You can cycle through this circuit in isolation, or pair it with your current exercise regime. 

If something feels challenging, don’t get discouraged. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. This program is designed to offer you more than just a quick sweat! Return to these foundations often as you connect, refine, and strengthen. Take your time. Finish feeling better than when you started!


Circuit Breakdown


8-10 Minutes Per Round

Round 1: 

Exercise 1: Shoulder Dislocates x 10 repetitions 

Exercise 2: Cuban Rotations x 6 repetitions

Exercise 3: Mountain Climbers x 40 repetitions

Suggested Props: 

1 Dowel/PVC Pipe/Broomstick OR Strap / OR Resistance Band

Round 2:

Exercise 1: Halo Squat x 6 repetitions

Exercise 2: Reclined Chest Press x 5 repetitions per side

Exercise 3: Burpee x 6 repetitions

Suggested Props:

1 Kettlebell or Dumbbell (Light to Moderate Weight)

Round 3:

Exercise 1: Bottoms Up Alternating Reverse Lunge x 6 repetitions

Exercise 2: Push Up with KB Drag x 6 repetitions

Exercise 3: Single Arm KB Swing x 15 repetitions

Suggested Props:

1 Kettlebell or Dumbbell (Light to Moderate Weight)

Round 4: 

Exercise 1: Windmill x 3 repetitions per side

Exercise 2: Kettlebell High Pull x 6 repetitions

Exercise 3: Jumping Jacks x 20 repetitions 

Suggested Props: 

1 Kettlebell or Dumbbell (Light to Moderate Weight)

Round 5:

Exercise 1: Overhead Straddle Press x 5 repetitions per side

Exercise 2: Weighted Tricep Extension x 5 repetitions 

Exercise 3: Skipping x 40 repetitions 

Suggested Props:

1 Kettlebell or Dumbbell (Light to Moderate Weight)

Spotify Playlist Suggestion:

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